Monday, August 18, 2008

Symptoms Or Not, I Am Extremely Uncomfortable

I had a little bit of cramping last night, but really, it could have just as easily been gas. And I woke up this morning with my lower back aching quite badly, which is making my first day back at work even more obnoxious than I expected. I'm either 6 or 7 days past ovulation; my temps around O day were not as clear as I'd like, so I'm unsure as to exactly when it happened. I think that 7 dpo is a bit too soon to be feeling any symptoms, and I've certainly fooled myself before with phantom symptoms, but it's kind of nice to think that my August cycle just might be the one.

I'm going to try to hold off from testing for at least a week. So far I'm doing great.


Lily Girl said...

I just discovered your blog and have caught myself up. I really appreciate your perspective. I've never been pregnant, but all aspects of reproduction and parenting fascinate me.
Thank you for sharing your story; I can't begin to understand how difficult that must have been for you, both to experience and then to decide to share.
I look forward to your future posts.

August said...

Thank you very much, Lily.

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