Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back Home

I'm back! Our week at the beach was absolutely fantastic, and it just happened to be the longest that Marcus and I have ever had off together. Even though my parents were there, it was pretty much the closest thing to a honeymoon we've ever had; and to say that we needed it would be a grave understatement.

Our trip was off to an awkward start, thanks to the directions we got from Google being only mostly accurate. But we did get there, and for the next week we stayed up late watching bad TV, slept in every day, took naps in the afternoons, and (we did more than sleep, I promise) just finally relaxed. In addition to the sleep, there was boogie boarding, tandem bike riding, lots of frozen custard, mini golf, go-karts, and a trip to the water park.

I also rode my unicycle up and down the boardwalk many times, which was always good for a laugh. It's fun to show off one's skills every once in a while.

I know that I promised lots of pictures, but to honest, we were having too much fun to take any. I only snapped this one shot of the sand directly in front of our balcony:

Frank is a wimp

I don't know who Frank is, but I'm guessing he's not much of a daredevil. Or at least that's what this anonymous beach goer would have me believe. And I've gotta say, the inconsistency of using the lowercase "r" while the rest of the message is in uppercase almost makes this message an art form...almost. The Grammar Banshee inside me weeps.

The best part about coming home is seeing the cats again and getting to cuddle with them on the couch. I practically ran from the car into the house to make sure they were okay, even though my brother had been checking the cats and the house periodically throughout the week. Charlie and Rocky had obviously missed us, while Sega (pictured below looking slightly less evil than usual) didn't seem to hate us any more than she generally does. As far as I'm concerned, that means that all is well.

Sega will hypnotize you

Today I'll be lounging about, doing some laundry, and preparing myself mentally for the return to the office tomorrow morning. I don't have any more vacation time to use until our wedding anniversary in October, so it's going to be a long couple of months until then.

How was everyone else's week?

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