Monday, August 4, 2008

I Didn't Even Know There Was A Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss Awareness Month

But apparently there is, and it's in October.

Presidential proclamations aside, my miscarriage awareness month is August. It's on my mind in a big way, especially this week leading up to the 9th, and I imagine that I'll be talking about it a lot. I hope that my readers and friends understand. I've already done some crying and I know that it's inevitable that I'll be doing a whole lot more.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I just stumbled on your blog and wanted to say how brave I think you are and to say that miracles really DO happen so please, whatever you do, don't give up hope. I was sexually abused when I was a child and was then told when I was about 12 and then again at 15 that I would never be able to carry a child, which although didn't really bother me back then, started to upset me the older I got. It really started to affect me when I had 3 miscarriages between the ages of 19 and 22... Well long story short I am now 24 years old and I'm 8 months pregnant, there was no medical intervention, I believe alcohol may have been involved but that was it, the only thing I can think of is the complete and utter love and trust between my partner and myself finally made me relax but thats probably just wishful thinking! My doctors are baffled as much as I am but its really made me believe in miracles. I'm due on the 13th September and on the 9th August I will think of you and although I am not particularly religious I will say a little prayer for you, just please, don't give up hope, its a very easy thing to do but it shows inner strength if you don't! I truly think you're a very brave woman to be able to expose your soul like this, be it by text or whatever and I just wanted to say that I look up to you and have a lot of respect for you due to that.

I really hope that your dreams come true and I wish you all the best. God bless x

August said...

Thank you so much, Luna. I'm not religious either but I appreciate the sentiment. Congratulations on your pregnancy, that is AMAZING, and you definitely deserve it after so much hardship. Best of luck to you and your kiddo!

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