Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pregnant Lady Quiz 3: Twins!

It's quiz time again! This month's prize is a jingle. No, seriously. I'm going to write a little ditty about this month's winner and put it up on YouTube, just for you. As always, we use the honor system around here. Just say no to Google. I'll go over the answers in a week. Leave your answers in the comments below.

Here are this month's True or False questions:

Yay or Nay?

1. Approximately one third of all twins are identical.
2. The longest span of time between the birth of twins in a single pregnancy is 5 days.
3. 70% of all conjoined twins are male.
4. It is possible for a woman to naturally conceive twins by two different men.
5. As many as 1 in 8 pregnancies start out as twins.
If you missed them, here are the links to the Pregnant Lady Quizzes of yestermonth:

Pregnant Lady Quiz 1
Pregnant Lady Quiz 2

And their answers:

5 Things You Didn't Know About Pregnancy
5 Things You Didn't Know About Pregnancy (II)


Tigerwong said...

1. t
2. t
3. f
4. t
5. f

katsb said...

1. False
2. False
3. False
4. False
5. True

I completely guessed with these, I have no clue. I am interested to find out the answers though because I consider myself to be a twin, even though my sister was stillborn.

August said...

Yeah, this quiz turned out much more difficult than I meant it to be. I learned quite a bit while coming up with the T/F statements.

Jena said...


I feel pretty confident about all but #3... but I'm significantly worse at quizzes than I used to be. (what's up with that?)

hey, I've finally gotten my physical scheduled for my immigration application, and after that's sent it, I'll be eligible for national health insurance and my husband and I can quit with the birth control and let me get pregnant. my little sister just had her first (a little girl they named Ella) two days ago, and even though we're 4000 miles apart, I think it'd be nice for our kids to all be about the same age. I'm trying to tell myself I'm not impatient.

August said...

I don't have a sister, but two of my good friends are marrying each other this month and are planning on starting on children in about 2 years. I am so ridiculously excited about the idea of raising our children together.

poeticdesires said...


no clue if i'm right, but very interesting to think about.

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