Monday, September 15, 2008


My stomach is upset. I really, really would rather not go into work, but I might be in enough trouble as it is since I was supposed to come in for an hour or two over the weekend and I did not. I haven't been feeling well the past couple of days (hence the lack of posts, my apologies). I've been antisocial and stand-offish (I didn't go a party that I had been really looking forward to). And this morning my stomach feels icky.

Marcus thinks that I'm pregnant, because I became antisocial and stand-offish the last time I was pregnant (hurray, hormone cocktail!). I think that it's too soon to tell. In any case, it's too soon to test.

But I am definitely queasy this morning. Blech.


The Broken Man said...

Hope it turns out well!

The Broken man

Anonymous said...

*does a pregnancy invoking dance with big rattles and skirts and other weird shit* pregnant pregnant pregnant pregnant, let's get pregnant pregnant pregnant

Jena said...

Every time I feel a little off, the first thing my hubby asks is if I'm pregnant. As I don't have insurance yet, and must get a physical for my residency application before I can be use the national health care here, I'm on birth control, so it's always unlikely, but every month I'm a little sorry I'm not one of the .01 percent for whom birth control is not effective.

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