Thursday, September 11, 2008


I had a terrifying experience last night. Marcus and I are temporarily sleeping on the futon in the living room until our new mattress and boxspring are delivered (we don't have a date yet, but hopefully next week). I woke up several times during the night due to the cats being absolutely delighted over our presence; I guess they thought we were having a sleepover.

Anyway, despite the fact that my slumber was being constantly interrupted by an overactive kitten, I found it quite easy to fall asleep almost instantly after each disturbance. After squirting the kitten with water yet again for pouncing on my feet, I closed my eyes and almost immediately started to dream - or at least kind of hallucinate. It was awful. I didn't see anything, but there was a threatening chorus of robotic voices loudly declaring something in my head (I don't remember what) and it was freaking me out, so I opened my eyes...

...and found that I could not move a muscle.

Holy crap, it was terrible. The dream-voices stopped the moment I opened my eyes. I could see the living room clearly enough by the light coming in from our front porch, and I could hear myself breathing very heavily, very panicky. I was awake. But I could not move. I was paralysed.

After a few long seconds I closed my eyes again, waited another second or two, and then jerked my arms violently. I was okay again.

I Googled it today and it seems that it was a random occurrence of sleep paralysis, which happens when you wake up, but your brain still thinks that you're asleep and so continues to shut off all or part of your voluntary motor function. It's not all that uncommon and can be accompanied by hallucinations like mine was.

That was not cool, brain. Not cool at all.


Girl in the Dirt said...

(gasp!) I think that's happened to me before but I never knew what it was! SUCK.

PS - I read today that Palin is against sex education and, in general, women's rights to their own bodies. Did you know this? Sigh.

August said...

Yeah, I looked her up about 3 minutes after I heard about her nomination. She's not only anti-choice (even in cases of rape and incest), but she's anti-contraceptives. Also, while she was mayor of Wasila, victims of rape were charged for their rape kits because it was felt that the taxpayers shouldn't have to shoulder the burden of evidence collection for the purpose of catching rapists (Alaska also has the highest per-capita rate of rape in the US). She's also pro-drilling, has fought to get polar bears taken off of the endangered species list, and enjoys gutting caribou and "hunting" wolves by shooting them from the safety of a helicopter. She doesn't believe that humanity has anything to do with global climate change and she also believes that the US involvement in Iraq is a misssion straight from God. And she's recently suggested that we should invade Russia. She took Wasila's 2 million dollar surplus and while she was mayor turned it into a 22 million dollar deficit. She asked the librarian in Wasila about banning books that she deemed offensive and then threatened to fire her (the librarian) when she refused.

In other words, Sarah Palin is a dangerous woman.

Girl in the Dirt said...

Sweet Christ, is she George Bush in a woman suit? So help me God if these people get elected I'm moving to British Columbia.

And to be honest, no, my back isn't much better today. In fact I'm having some discomfort/pain that I had last year. I'm just trying not to think about it. Write when you can, love you.

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