Friday, September 26, 2008

Dodging, Ducking, Weaving

We had our first dodgeball match last night and I actually did pretty okay! Marcus came to cheer me on and soothe my nerves (I know, I know, it's pathetic to be nervous about a game of dodgeball, but I was always the kid that was lousy at sports), and on more than one occassion I looked up to see him absolutely cracking up at my smooth moves.

There were more than a few dramatic moments; at one point I even fell on the ground near the front line while three guys approached menacingly with their balls drawn (ha!). Through some miracle that I like to call You Throw Like A Toddler, all of them managed to miss me completely even though I was lying defenseless on the ground just meters away. I also managed to be the last woman standing in 3 or 4 games, and I even got a few people out. All in all, I wasn't too shabby.

I'm looking forward to next week's game! Marcus is going to bring the camcorder next time, so hopefully I'll have some amusing footage to share with ya'll next Friday.

Today is not a bad day. Marcus is coming to have lunch with me, which always makes my workday a little shorter. My weekend is full for a change; I've got a bridal shower to attend and a ton of cleaning to do to prepare for the post-anniversary party we're throwing next weekend.

Tell me, friends: Were you any good at sports when you were young? Which ones did you love and which ones did you hate (and why)?


The Broken Man said...

I was no good at any sport. I once took in a forged note from my mother saying that I was to be excused swimming because I had my period.

The PE teacher let me off on the grounds that at least it was an original excuse!

The Broken Man

Jena said...

I won a ribbon for the three-legged race when I was in first grade, but that's only 'cause everyone else fell down. After that I was only ever awarded those stupid participation ribbons, and I dreaded Field Day every year after second grade. In high school, I hated dodgeball and matball, football and basketball, though I was okay with volleyball, badminton, archery--anything that wasn't a contact sport, I guess.

Lily Girl said...

I love sports and played organized sports from 4th grade until I aged out of youth soccer in my 2nd year of college. I loved soccer the most, but I was best at running (cross-country and track). I wish my parents had permitted me to join a traveling/competitive soccer team, but since they both worked full time the time demands of those teams made it unrealistic for our family.
If I had a "regular" job (I work shift work including nights, weekends, and holidays) I would definitely join an adult league for soccer.
I'm not particularly good at swimming, but it is something I want to improve because I would eventually like to attempt a (short) triathlon... of course I also need a bike for that...
Glad to hear you had fun with dodgeball, congrats on your success!

August said...

Jena: The only activity in which I could get an actual ribbon (and not a participation ribbon) was the long jump. I think that I scored third place among the girls once. That was pretty much it. That's quite a variety of sports that your school had, though. We pretty much only had dodgeball and kickball. I would have LOVED to try (and ultimately fail at) archery!

Lily: I feel you on the shift work, I've been there. I remember kissing my entire social life goodbye for a couple of years. I hope that you're able to move into something less restrictive someday.

Broken, that's hilarious!

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