Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pregnant Lady Quiz 1

Because I am a nerd and enjoy stuff like this, here's a simple true-or-false quiz. The prize for the person that scores highest is an invisible handshake from me (I know, I'm too kind).

Leave your answers in the comments section. You could cheat and use Google, but then you wouldn't want to taint your victory with the bitter taste of deception, would you?

Yay or Nay?

1. Pregnant women are recommended to forgo eating hot dogs.
2. The youngest mother on record was five years old.
3. Some women have experienced orgasm while giving birth.
4. A woman cannot get pregnant if she is breastfeeding.
5. Pregnant women should double their caloric intake.

I'll go over the answers in a few days. In the meantime, enjoy!


Anonymous said...

1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True

Anonymous said...

1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False

Anonymous said...

1. NO ONE should be eating hot dogs, much less pregnant women. (Too much sodium nitrate or something? And pig testicles?)
2. *BARF* False. God. I hope, hope that is false.
3. Oh I fucking BET that's true and it's why you wanna have a baby. (Just kidding!)
4. OoOOoo, that's a tough one. I want to say "True" because I would think that the breastfeeding would signal to the body that it can't support two lives efficiently at the same time, but I'm gonna say False anyway because I don't care about the handshake.
5. This one seems obviously true, which is why I hesitate. I'm gonna say it anyway. True.

PS. I love you.

August said...

You don't want the handshake? Okay, how about an invisible puppy?

Tigerwong said...

1. true
2. false (i think she was not much older, though)
3. true
4. true
5. true

chole said...

1. false
2. true
3. true? it could happen... maybe
4. true
5. false

make my puppy a dane

Fiesty said...

1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False

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