Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Busy Bee

I've resigned myself to another month without pregnancy. My due date, August 9th, is fast approaching, and I'll have no child to show for it when it does. Depressing is not the word for it.

In more pleasant news, I've been working hard on a couple of projects (this blog being one of them) which are keeping me delightfully busy and productive. Which is good, because otherwise I'd just spend all day playing topless Guitar Hero (I like to rock out with my, er, boobs out), trying to speak Cat to my dear furry ones, and licking my finger and then touching my husband with it. He hates that for some reason, despite the fact that it's freaking hilarious.

Also, I just realized that there is a typo in my poll. Unfortunately, Blogger won't let me fix it since people have already started voting. The Grammar Banshee inside me weeps.


Unknown said...

what part... "the thought caring"... ?

yeah, I saw it.


re: guitar hero, we once played "strip guitar hero" ... it was awesome.

August said...

Yeah, I proofread that stupid poll like a million times and still didn't catch it until it was too late.

Strip Guitar Hero sounds like it would be an enormous amount of fun, actually.

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