Friday, October 3, 2008

It Was A Dodgeball Massacre

If I had to describe last night's game using just one word, I would choose: Ow.

Ow, my jammed thumb.

Ow, my pulled shoulder.

Ow, my FACE (I took two ridiculously hard shots directly to the face, hard enough to send my glasses flying both times, within about 5 seconds of each other).

Ow, my pride.

My team didn't stand a chance. In the minutes before the game, while my teammates talked and stretched and bullshat each other, the other team ran around the court with knees high and practiced organized throwing drills with a few footballs. We watched them with interest (all right, more like fascination) and thought, "Hm. This doesn't bode well."

The other team picked us off the court as if they were shooting fish in a barrel. They had several intimidatingly strong throwers (two of which hit me in the face) and they sent the balls flying at us at honestly frightening speeds. It wasn't nearly as fun as last week's game, when we actually stood a competitive chance. We were entirely outranked, and plenty disheartened since our competitors obviously didn't belong in the social league.

It was fun enough, though, and it was better than sitting at home, not playing dodgeball, especially since our Internet connection went kaput (it's back today, obviously).

I'm currently waiting for the love of my life to rouse. Today is the 2nd anniversary of our elopement, but we don't have much planned other than seeing a couple movies and cleaning the house in preparation for tomorrow night's party. We've got the next few days off and I'm looking forward to a long weekend filled with love, friends, and sleeping in.

Here's a link to this month's Pregnant Lady Quiz (the twins edition!) in case you missed it..

Happy Friday, everyone. Any weekend plans?

1 comment:

Girl in the Dirt said...

Sigh. You've been away ALL weekend. You know how needy I am. Anyway... hope you guys had a good weekend... now write in your blog and reply to my email! :)

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